Happy New Year from the Business Box-West Island Printing!

Tabbed Binder Printing

Three Ring Binders – Printing at the Business Box


Do you need to put together binders for your company? Binders are great way of storing and presenting information. Some of the uses for our printed binders have been:

  • Product Catalogues and Price Lists,
  • Information for studies,
  • Educational Course Contents
  • Operating Manuals

Binder Printing at The Business Box

Tabbed binders are great, especially for information which needs to be referenced, signed, or which is subject to changes. Long before computers and clouds stored all our data, Three ring binders were essential tools in organizing information. They remain valuable to many organizations and for several good reasons

With the use tabbed dividers it is easy to find the information required, whether its pricing, scientific information, or specific instructions to different tasks. Today’s students learn to sort into file folders online; but for practical use in an office, laboratory, or in manufacturing settings, it is still often more sensible to flip open to a physical page, clearly marked by a tab. And when the information changes – change the page!  If you need to prove you've read it, sign in!

Clearly a printer has bias for this physical and traditional technology, but this article explains a few of the clear advantages to using tabbed binders.


  1. Universal usability. It’s easy for a binder to be used by any audience. Whereas my children are extremely comfortable sorting information on spreadsheets, saved on the cloud, and making these spreadsheets available to a chosen audiences with a password protected link, there are millions of people who would be much more comfortable flipping through printed material, and being directed to the specific table required, which is marked by a tab in the binder..

         To illustrate perhaps you want to share your favourite recipes.                                 

The Binder Method –

    1. Print out the recipes (can be photocopies or new documents)
    2. Put into binder, sorted in sections with tabs marked Appetizer, Mains, Desserts.   
    3. Give the binder to any adult and see if they can find a recipe to cook. 99% success rate amongst literate cooks speaking the same language!


Modern Method -  You could create these by typing on any word processor, or if it's an old family recipe, you could always just make a scanned copy. Then the  easiest way to organize the files would be to save in 3 different folders, with            suitable names. Now, by sharing links to these folders, the recipes are easily          found and accessed - most young cooks will be happy to follow these             instructions from their phones. Of course if there were pictures as part of the     recipes and you wanted to flip through and decide which one to try, that might be a bit more challenging, as you would need to open each document –  so maybe instead of 3 file folders, you combine the recipes into 3 individual documents. However to have access to the recipes, the cook would need wifi, an appropriate electronic device and an understanding of electronic file structure and access.
  1. Easy to edit contents. It's extremely easy to update specific sections within any binder. The entire contents do not have to be replaced – instead  just the changed sections can be replaced or “added to” to remain up-to-date. For example if you had a 100 pages or pricing, but 2 pages or prices are   increasing, you could update those 2 pages, make photocopies (with 3 holes) of the 2 pages and send these pages to your customers with instructions to replace the pages in that particular section. An added benefit is that this can  be a marketing opportunity to add more material with the 2 new pages to try  and promote products.
  2. Easy to communicate specific information from anywhere. When a binder is well- designed with appropriate tabs, it is very easy to explain to a user in a remote location how to find necessary information. With nothing fancier than a phone or email, you can direct anyone, anywhere in the world to reference a particular section of your binder.
  3. Promotes consistency within an organization. By using, the same titled dividers, with perhaps different translation in different locales, employees can work in different locations and quickly and easily find relevant information
  1. Access to information can easily be controlled. If the information is only required in certain departments, binders should only be produced for        those departments. As required, managers may require users to sign out      binders so that the organization always knows that they are in whose         possession
  1. Lots of information in one place. Because dividing tabs can effectively sort and divide sections of different information, it is easy to put all the      information in one binder. For example, there may be sections related to      safety, to operating instructions, and to scheduled maintenance for several pieces of equipment, all in one place. Managers can quickly check which      machines require maintenance – operators can review safety and operating  details.. and sign documents to confirm their understanding. So within         minutes one can know if the staff is qualified and if the equipment’s        maintenance is up-to-date. In other words, an up to date physical record is   easily maintained.


In today’s world, a good organization requires control of ever-changing information. It needs to be accessible, accurate and easy to understand. For vast amounts of information, binders remain the most sensible way of storing, cataloguing and sharing information in a cohesive, easily understood format.

The Business Box is proud to work with its suppliers to provide the great tabbing solutions for many custom printing products. Tabs can be printed and then protected with a mylar film to prevent wear and discolouring when used frequently.  Or we can find preprinted Avery tabs for an economical solution.  We are flexible in finding best way to present your important information.

Please contact the Business Box for a review of how we can help with printing of any business documents. Whether is colour photocopies or printing from original files, we can collate and organize your documents for 3ring binders.

 Custom Dividers for Binders