Happy New Year from the Business Box-West Island Printing!

Document Printing

The Business Box provides a variety of document printing services.  In 2006, The Business Box purchased its first digital press from Xerox, whose slogan at the time was "The Document Company."  Xerox may have changed focus, but we still continue to use their technology to provide great documents, on time and on budget.

Much of our expertise comes from 15 years of converting ideas into useful documents.  Assisting customers on aesthetic and budgetary decisions tends to revolve around the 5 main factors affecting the cost of  producing printed documents:.

    1. Choice of Stocks - With a wide variety of stocks always kept in inventory, from 20lb bond to 14pt cardstocks, and various colours, choosing stock plays a huge role in creating impactful documents, with your budget
    2. Choice of ink.  Black printing is usually  much cheaper than full colour, and it also prints faster.  The Business Box is happy to work with clients to determine how colour can be used effectively, when necessary
    3. Choice of size and binding.  Some formats, especially with shorter run digital printing, tend to be inefficient and wasteful.  For example, we try and dissuade customer from using 8.5 x 7 booklet sizes, even though they are commonplace.  Cost is almost the same as for 8.5 x 11 booklets.  For some jobs perfect binding may be better than spiralling or stapling. Every job has a few possibilities and your Business Box specialist will be happy to explain your optimal plan 
    4. Lead time.  Sometimes, if we have a bit of time, we can use offset printing, or other solutions, to create the best documents for your particular audience.
    5. Quantity. Both page count, and actual quantity of the finished documents will affect how we print your project.  If you have documents to produce, but have some questions, please contact us.